
Multi Exporter for 3Ds Max

3 ratings

Multi Exporter for 3Ds Max

3 ratings

This tool can organize and export max scene date to Unreal Engine and Unity 3D.

All data prepared and sent using this tool will be imported into those engines as native supported types of data.

Creating colliders, snaps, collision materials, physical material for complex colliders ... all of this is possible. And more.

It is safe to write it is fully compatible with any 3DS Max 2012+ version.

Before you will consider to buy it, please read documentation located here:


This will give you exact idea what this tool is about, what can ( and what can't ) do for you and is it really worth buying anyway.

patch version 1.20

fix for possible errors found in 1.15
more work towards plugins support.

patch version 1.15

This patch is cumulative so it hold all changes from 1.01 version.
In order to use it, 1.0 version must be installed first.

Max restart after patch is not needed. Please save your file before the update. Just in case.

- auto lod added
- support up to 16 metarials per lod
- each material can be optimized or removed or preserved per lod
- preview of end result
- for every engine ( Nanite can use LODs as colliders )

- speed improvements for adding objects to exporter. 3000 pieces are added immediately now.
- removed ability of exporting meshes to Unity3d with hierarchy. Turned out it is not that convenient
and at the same time maintaining such feature is very time consuming and prone to serious errors.

- removing collision only for Unity3d. Same reason.
- removing LODx names checking, since there is no hierarchy in exported data, no need to chec assets name.
exporter name will be still checked for valid symbols only.

- adding option for custom path to have a folder with the name of asset name.
if custom exporter path is d:\test\ and asset name is "asset" then new path will be d:\test\asset\
this will allow to export source data into separate dedicated folder per exported data set.

- exposing ability for future plugins and add-ons :) ( there will be some )

patch version 1.01

Unfortunatelly Max restart after patch applying is needed. Please update at convenient moment.

  • changing exporter name will add "_exporter" for export object in the scene
  • "find missing LOD data" button added

it will look for all exporter missing elements based on LODx part of the exporter LOD assets.

For example: if LOD2 is missing ( asset is removed and another with the same name is imported )

and there is element with "_LOD0" in LOD0 slot in exporter, pressing this button will find missing LOD

and will add it to exporter. This function will work as long as LODx element name before "_LODx" will match exporter name.

if not, this button will bring the "proper" name ( before "_LODx" ) to exporter and then will search for missing exporter elements but already present on the scene.

So if you still want to keep original export name ( which is different than objects name in exporter slots ),

you will have to add ( pick ) missing exporter elements by hand.

  • auto name option takes into consideration "_LODx" part of the asset

pressing it will change export name but "_LODx" suffix will be not included in the final export name.

  • it was impossible to remove collider form LOD0 element by pressing "X" button in collider options. This has been fixed

After the purchase you will get a zip file.

Unpack it. There should be one .mzp file, physical mask PNG file and one 'editor' folder.

.mzp file is 3DS Max installation file. To install it, drag and drop this file onto ( into ? ) max viewport.

All will be prepared during the installation and all those tools and macros will be ready right after install process will end.

No max restart is needed :)

As for "editor" folder, it is for Unity 3D users. This folder holds import.cs and companion .meta files.

This file overtakes import process and does all adjustments which will translate imported data into native Unity 3D components.

Copy this folder with those files and paste it to Assets folder. Probably all is set. If not, Unity restart might be needed.

That's All ! :)

I hope this tool will give you the same or bigger fun as it gave me by making it :)

If you will have any questions please send them to this address : studio@scgstudio.net

And now, the boring stuff:

LICENCE ( included in script ):

End User License Agreement

This EULA shall apply only to the software products supplied by Adam Wrotek aka SCGStudio.

Use of the software

• One license grants the right to perform the installation of the Software according to the license type when purchased.

• Each additional installation of the Software above the bought limit requires an additional purchased license.

• You can use this software UP TO limit of licenses You have purchased. So if You bought 5 licenses You can use them on literally 5 computers.

Making Copies

You may make copies of the Software for back-up purposes, provided that you reproduce the Software in its original form and with all proprietary notices on the back-up copy.


• Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction).

• Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of Software, or create derivative works from Software.

• Copy the Software (except as specified above).

• Rent, lease, transfer or otherwise transfer rights to the Software.

• Remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software.

Technical Support

Technical support is available primarily through emailing Adam Wrotek ( studio@scgstudio.net ).

It is possible to make an on-line direct contact. Adam Wrotek can provide direct support, however it needs to be followed by e-mail contact first.


The license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described above. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software and Documentation.


This Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability,

fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property of any third party. This Software has inherent limitations including design faults and programming bugs.

The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you, and it is your responsibility to ensure that it does what you require it to do prior to using it for

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Should the Software prove defective, you agree that you alone assume the entire cost resulting in any way from such defect.



This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential and material term of this agreement.

If you do not or cannot accept this, or if it is unenforceable in your jurisdiction, then you may not use the Software in any manner.

Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Software shall remain to Adam Wrotek. The Software is protected by international copyright treaties.


Asset pipeline between 3DS Max and game engines.

Unreal Engine 4/5 support
Unity 3D support
Collision generation ( material per collider for Unity 3D only )
material editor with libraries and per material customisation
Snaps generation ( for UE 4/5 only )
scene management support
physical mask for complex collision ( for Unreal 4/5 only )
uv generator for hand painted textures
team collaboration supported ( file versioning supported too )
naming system supported ( valid names only for exported assets )
workflow optimisations
AUTO LOD system
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